About Us

Who are we?

Kagiso Media (KM) was established in 1997 by Kagiso Trust Investments to manage its media portfolio which at the time, included industry leaders in broadcast media, specialist publishing and exhibitions and events companies. KM's heritage stems from one of the oldest black-led organisations namely Kagiso Trust whose aim, since inception, is to channel funds to uplift and empower disadvantaged communities. Today, KM is wholly-owned by Kagiso Tiso Holdings (KTH), a leading black owned South African investment company of which the Kagiso Trust owns a large equity stake.


KM's vision is to "build communities for good" and is the result of careful reflection of the group's overarching motivation for being in business.


Our mission is to continuously deliver innovative media and information solutions that facilitate beneficial human connection.


The KM purpose is to develop a mix of cash generative and growth media assets that deliver attractive net returns that exceed expectations. We also strive to create a great place to work, where leaders and managers are accountable for treating all employees with respect and care, a place where our people can do their best in an atmosphere of trust, teamwork and fun. The KM strategy is to take equity positions in companies that have experienced management teams who have excellent profit generating histories. Our assets are leading companies with good growth opportunities.

Corporate culture

At KM, diversity is viewed as an essential part of corporate culture. Treating others with respect and offering equal opportunity regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation makes us stronger because it allows us to take full advantage of the available workforce that is rich in experience, knowledge and creativity. Many of our accomplishments as a company originate from teams of diverse individuals whose varying perspectives complement one another as they work together to achieve strategic goals.


Accordingly, the group subscribes to a code of ethics which is underpinned by a resolute commitment to integrity and honesty in all its business dealings.